This album is now available on streaming platforms such as Spotify, Amazon Music and Youtube
Recorded 2021 n Bremen, Germany
About Minor
The years 2019 to the present have probably taken their tributes to each of us. Not only because of Corona, but also personal tragedies have to be mourned. The title “Minor” is deliberately chosen. Some titles could be considered too sad. However, my intention is not to depress anyone. I think one must accept the sadness in order to be able to look forward. I hope that my music may provide hope and indicates a way out for all of us who are caught in a gloomy time like this.
Recording Equipment
- Action-Keyboard: Kawai VPC-1
- Audio Device: Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 V2
- Recording
- 16″ Apple MacBook Pro 2019
- Logic Pro X
- Sound
- VI Labs Ravenscroft 275
- Vienna Symphonic Library (VSL) Yamaha CFX
- Imperfect Samples Walnut Grand
- Native Instruments Noire