How to use Universal Links on iOS
When reading apple documents about universal links everything looks just straight-forward. However, I stumbled over some issues that were easy to solve, but difficult to find out.
An adventure begins with a farewell
When reading apple documents about universal links everything looks just straight-forward. However, I stumbled over some issues that were easy to solve, but difficult to find out.
Here is a small script to to batch rename file extensions. for image in *.jpg; do imageBase=”`echo $image | awk -F’.’ ‘{ print $1 }’`”; mv $image $imageBase.png; done
I have searched for a solution how to implement a ViewController that supports only LandscaleLeft and LandscapeRight mode. Most solutions I found on stackoverflow and other forums using a setOrientationMode selector on the device object: NSNumber *value = [NSNumber numberWithInt: UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft]; [[UIDevice currentDevice] setValue:value forKey:@”orientation”]; this could probably work for you, but it uses a non official selector. You may think of this: it is impossible for the program to actually physically turn around your device, but that is what Continue reading Initial Landscape orientation issue on iOS solved
In ZDF-Info Mediathek you will find the next 7 days some videos about history of computer games industry (Unfortunately only in German) Steve Jobs – Das Genie von Apple Youtube-Story, Teil 1 Youtube-Story, Teil 2 Die Google-Story 10 Jahre World of Warcraft Die Nintendo-Story ZDF – Videospiele: Revolution einer Generation To download right-click the link and select download
Every object that is derived from NSObject has the ability to be managed by retain counting. When an object is created (alloc) the system will allocate memory for the object and set a retain count to 1. The count can be incremented when a new instance of this object exist (assignment for example) and decrement when an object instance is released. Once the retain count is going to zero the object will be destructed and the memory gets freed. This post is Continue reading Objective-C Memory Management
What is the best affordable digital piano you can get from a pianists perspective? And how real can it get?
If you want to “disconnect” your SVN repository from your current project you could use the export function of svn: cd /path/to/your/project svn export But this will just export the repository. All uncommitted changes will be lost. The other (in my opinion better) way is just to delete all SVN folders. if you are unsure what this script is really doing you could check via “echo” cd /path/to/your/project find . -name .svn | while read; do echo rm -Rf “$REPLY”; Continue reading Disconnect SVN repository
Have you ever heared about “Imperfect Samples”? If you are searching for a realistic sound of a virtual piano you might want to take a closer look.
Unity comes with built-in shadow map support, but you shouldn”t expect cutting edge technology. No soft shadows on mobile devices and at least for my current project it is too slow on the GPU. Unfortunately Unity 4.x does not provide many other solutions for realtime shadows. However there is hope that there will be improvements for shadows in Unity 5, but you can’t develop a game on hope can you? I decided to have a fallback solution that is fast Continue reading Fast realtime shadows in Unity
Christmas is again coming and I had to prepare something for Santa Claus. This is what I am going to play on Christmas Eve. Also you can see me playing that song on you tube: Christmas Tree Cover Piano Jazz Improvisation Download the midi file: ChristmasTreePianoImprovisation