Disconnect SVN repository

If you want to “disconnect” your SVN repository from your current project you could use the export function of svn: cd /path/to/your/project svn export But this will just export the repository. All uncommitted changes will be lost. The other (in my opinion better) way is just to delete all SVN folders. if you are unsure what this script is really doing you could check via “echo” cd /path/to/your/project find . -name .svn | while read; do echo rm -Rf “$REPLY”; Continue reading Disconnect SVN repository

Fast realtime shadows in Unity

Unity comes with built-in shadow map support, but you shouldn”t expect cutting edge technology. No soft shadows on mobile devices and at least for my current project it is too slow on the GPU. Unfortunately Unity 4.x does not provide many other solutions for realtime shadows. However there is hope that there will be improvements for shadows in Unity 5, but you can’t develop a game on hope can you? I decided to have a fallback solution that is fast Continue reading Fast realtime shadows in Unity

The Grand 3

Today I want to share one of my current recordings which I have rendered via The Grand 3. This peace of software offers five high quality virtual piano models (3 pianos, 1 upright piano and one e-piano). The following track was made by using the Bösendörfer 290 piano, which is one of my favorites. Unfortunately it seems that this one makes some glitching noises – not very loud but still nasty. This is also the reason why I have shared this recording. Continue reading The Grand 3

Deep Silver Fishlabs is hiring!

At the end of 2013 Fishlabs headed towards serious trouble and there were times where it really looks like there was no hope. Finally Fishlabs had to file bankruptky. The same time Koch Media saw that Fishlabs really has good IPs and excelent game developers and that it would be a good chance for Koch Media to get into the mobile market. Long story short it came that Koch Media tookover Fishlabs. From the beginning of this year we started Continue reading Deep Silver Fishlabs is hiring!

Adreno 320 GPU GLSL shader issues on Android

It seems that they didn’t spend much time in coding the graphic card drivers for Andreno 320 GPU. In my latest project I encountered a crash on linking some GLSL shader programs. It really took a while to figure out the cause. After a while could break down the shader code to something that looks like: struct _Diffuse_Type { lowp vec4 Color; sampler2D Texture; }; uniform _Diffuse_Type Diffuse; varying vec4 v_vtxColor; varying vec2 v_texcoord0; #ifdef VERTEX uniform mat4 u_modelViewProjection; attribute Continue reading Adreno 320 GPU GLSL shader issues on Android


I just finished the setup and installed a theme for wordpress that does not burn your eyes. Now it is indeed time to post some interesting cool stuff. But well, I guess I wont. Instead I will post some boring stuff just to test the syntax highlighting tool. But I am going to post some cool stuff later, I promise! Here is a simple GLSL ES2.0 shader: